A lawyer’s education is too important to be entrusted entirely to the law schools, writes Prof. Alan Dershowitz in the preface to F. Lee Baileys’s “To be a Trial Lawyer”. And his statement is so true that we could not help but agree with him. Young lawyers facing the challenges of the rules of court for the first time, and standing up to much more experienced opponents in a battle of arguments, realize this in the very first moments of their initiation into the profession. It takes years of practice to achieve a level of confidence that will allow them to unleash their abilities fully, trusting improvisation and court eloquence at times when they are surprised by their opponent or put in a difficult situation by the panel of judges.
Making good lawyers, however, as well as making good professionals, is unthinkable without the active involvement of society, and without building strong connections of mutual respect and tolerance between its members. Without that the noble and humanitarian role of the lawyer would remain profoundly misunderstood. When we created the concept behind Legal Look, we were led by the idea of building a space where young professionals could communicate meaningfully, exchanging experience and ideas in a spirit of camaraderie. This is how we see the peculiar role of our platform, and we hope that it will be both traditional and modern, welcoming, but also selective, reflecting the spirit of curiosity and critical attitude which would earn the trust of its readers.
In conclusion we will quote the words of the esteemed Bulgarian public figure, journalist and lawyer Nedko Kableshkov, who in his talk, held at the Salon of arts and press in Plovdiv in 1928, shares: “I supported and I still support with all my energy that a lawyer is neither an ordinary craftsman, nor a merchant, nor a speculator, but a man with a calling who has been endowed by a higher power to serve justice and truth, and to defend the persecuted, the weak, the wronged, the oppressed. The bar association is not an ordinary society or corporation, but as the French say un ordre, a chivalric order, an institution of fighters for righteousness and truth, established by the law to serve justice, society, the state and the citizen.”
By the team of Legal Look